Sunday, February 03, 2013

Puddle Jumper

Every season has it's own beauty.  Quad riding in the bush during winter can be a wet, messy experience.
But fog in the trees and reflections in the puddles make for a serene experience. -- Margy


  1. Yes, messy indeed ! You must be happy to take a shower after this kind of ride !!! :D

  2. Nice reflection in the puddle.

  3. even with the bumpy, muddy road, beautiful view! we had a similar drive to our home in the country (.4 of a mile) in winter snows we often had to park our car at the end and walk home.

  4. Looks like some good mud riding.

  5. Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting on my Weekend Reflections post.

    Norma - That sound like hard work! At least our cabin is water access on a lake that doesn't freeze.


  6. Looks like muddy fun! After a go through all that, do you just jump in the lake to rinse off? LOL!

  7. Lise - Only in the summer. The water gets bone chilling cold from November to April. Sometimes in May you can get a quick dunk on the swim ladder, but no more until mid-June. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy