Sunday, January 27, 2013

Goodbye Stumpy

Because our cabin floats, it moves back and forth, and up and down with the lake.  Steel cables anchor us in place, and log booms provides a floating barrier to protect us from wind waves and wakes.

We augment the boom in front with stumps. They are decorative and the deep roots help settle rough water.

Sometimes the lake decides to take our stumps back. A few weeks ago, we had strong winds. The next morning I saw that Stumpy was missing.
I looked out and saw him floating towards the narrows. After it calmed, we tried to retrieve our wayward stump, but couldn't get him to tow straight.  After several tries, we decided to say goodbye to Stumpy.

We wish him well and thank him for the protective service he provided while visiting our cabin home. -- Margy


  1. I really like the last picture of stumpy...I love how you can see a portion of him below the water line and the ripples give it a wavy look...really cool! Stumpy was a good size too! Maybe he'll find a new home to protect:)

  2. Love the reflection of Stumpy! Will you need to get a new one?

  3. Great series of shots!

  4. Lise - On a lake, stumps and logs come and go. Maybe he'll find a nice sandy beach until high water comes again.

    Leslie - Yes, we will keep our eyes open for a replacement. Winter storms bring lots of wood in masses we call a debris field. Mixed in all the mess there are sometimes treasures like Stumpy.

    Thanks Stephanie -- Margy

  5. A fitting farewell to a helpful companion. The photos are gorgeous, Margy.
    I'm trying to figure out how to get Wayne's new books on the Blackberry Playbook Dick got for our travels. We will be hopping on and off trains in Italy, so we want to travel light. We can easily get books from Kobo, but they say there isn't a Kindle app available for the Playbook yet.
    Oh well, there will be other trips. We'll be gone Feb. 3 to March 3, most of that being crossing from Miami to Venice by ship, so I won't be doing much blogging.

  6. Kay - You might try going to Smashwords using this link. They have a variety of e-book formats to choose from. Maybe one will work with your Blackberry. -- Margy

  7. Hi Margy,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your photos are so gorgeous! It looks so peaceful and serene there.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy