Friday, November 16, 2012

Tomorrow's Gonna' Be a Brighter Day

You may have been wondering where I've been these last few weeks. Usually I only miss a few days when we're up at the cabin without the Internet.  This time I've been staying close to Mom to help her through a difficult time.  Now that things are settling down a bit, I'll be able to get back to cabin living and share about our off-the-grid experiences.

Nature reminds us that better times are always on the horizon as in the words of the Jim Croce song, Tomorrow's Gonna' Be a Brighter Day.
But there's truth and consolation
And what I'm trying to say
Is that nobody ever had a rainbow baby
Until he had the rain ...

Come on tomorrow
It's gonna be a brighter day
Thanks for all the caring comments. Mom is doing better day by day. -- Margy


  1. Well maybe not literally tomorrow, there's rain in the forecast, but you're right in that a positive attitude sure makes a huge difference.

  2. Sorry you and your mom are having a tough time Margy but you are so right about nature reminding us there is always a brighter tomorrow or a silver lining in the clouds. Stopping to dwell on all that is around us sure helps me lift my spirits on a bad day. Welcome back!

  3. Hope mum is OK. And good to have you back!

  4. Good luck to you and your mom, and beautiful skywatch photo!

  5. Hope your mom is okay and you are right about maintaining a positive attitude.

  6. I hope your mum is okay and that you are taking care of yourself too. Beautiful picture. Best wishes Fran xxxx

  7. I am glad your mom is improving. I hope the improvement continues.
    Gotta love sunshine and Jim Croce, eh? At least we don't have to worry (yet) about the Working' at the Carwash Blues.
    Wishing you and Wayne and your mom all the best,

  8. Beautiful shot! Sorry to hear about your mom going a difficult time. Hope she's okay now. Happy sky watching.

    Waterfall on Jeju Island

  9. A lovely capture and reminder. I am wishing you and your mom well. Super "straight into the sun" shot!

  10. Sure hope everything is much better and continues to improve for your dear mom. You are a wonderful daughter!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy