Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ever Green

Evergreens get their name because the remain green throughout the year.  When deciduous trees like alders and maples lose their leaves each fall, the evergreens continue to give our hills and mountains a nice green glow.  Around our Powell Lake home, the evergreens include fir, hemlock, cedar, and some pine.

With a little sunshine, the distinctive colour of each variety comes out.

The forest is a prolific entity.  When trees are cut for roads or logging, seeds rapidly sprout to take back the clearings. In less than a year, alders begin to grow. Evergreens follow shortly thereafter.  Roads are soon obliterated.  But a little use and trimming keeps abandoned logging roads open for quads and hikers.

On a quad ride, we saved some seedlings from the road bed. Now our planters have evergreens we can enjoy year round.  On the left is a cedar, and on the right a two-fer, fir and hemlock.
When they get larger, we'll transplant them on our granite cliff to join our natural evergreen forest. -- Margy


  1. Great ideas to regrow our fir trees. Paul mentioned the other day how we should appreciate our evergreen trees with the trees now bare with the leaves gone. Gave me ideas for future photo shoots.

  2. I do envy you your mountains. Here in Essex we are very flat, not much in the way of hills at all, so hills and mountains always hold a fascination xxx

  3. Yours is a magical landscape.
    There are so many wonderful places on our earth, it behoves us to look after them and not destroy them.

  4. Stephanie - When trees grow like weeds, we can share a few without feeling bad.

    Fran - I've always lived near mountains, but always on the flat land (or water) nearby. I think I would miss them.

    Friko - Yes, our world does have so many wonderful and unique places.



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy