Friday, October 26, 2012

Season's First Rainbow

The last two weeks we've had unsettled weather. One day it was overcast in the morning, cleared to partly sunny with puffy white clouds by noon, followed by a storm with cool temperatures, high winds, hail, and heavy rain.
That was followed by a quick clearing and a beautiful rainbow between us and Goat Island. In Powell River, they say, wait a couple hours, and it will be a whole different season. That day it was really true, a bit of fall, a bit of summer, a bit of winter, and then back to summer. -- Margy


  1. That is a postcard shot. Nicely done!

  2. Wonderful shot! How perfect that you caught that rainbow.

  3. That's some incredible lighting there! Wow! What a spot to wake up to!

  4. Beautiful peek-a-boo rainbow shot. Hey, I got one also. MB

  5. Love the rainbow over the water. Have a great weekend!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy