Friday, October 05, 2012

Indian Summer Up the Lake

This has been an incredible fall up the lake. I guess you would call it an Indian summer.  We've had more warm weather than I can remember for late September and early October.  And the winds have been calm.  This was a perfect day looking down Powell Lake from the logging road between Hole in the Wall and Chippewa Bay.
Even though the days have been warm, the nights are getting longer and cooler.  We don't need it every day, but last week we had the first fire of the season.

Guess we better get busy with wood cutting! -- Margy


  1. Oh, Margy. Your first photo is so gorgeous, and your second so cozy. I wish I could teletransport myself there, especially as I woke up to snow this morning. It has mostly melted now, with the sunshine, although the air temperature is hovering around freezing.

  2. what a lovely place you live, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting...

  3. What a beautiful view to have! And I would agree that your second image looks very cozy and comfortable.

    Thank you for your visit and comment on my harvest moon. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. What a lovely view and the fire looks so inviting. I noticed all the stones around the perimeter and wondered about their use, or merely decoration.
    It's been hot in SoCal but now a bit cooler. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Yes it has been beautiful weather. Just read that Seattle has had 73 days without measurable rain. Makes for nice!! We have had some frost the last few mornings and today it was 35 at 7:30 AM. We have the woodshed full of wood Bob snagged out in his woods and drug up to the woodshot to chop up. They are downfalls from a few years ago.
    I see you joined MaryJanes. I joined in 2004 but since I met Bob I don't visit there much anymore. The first few years it of course was smaller and I did so many crafts and country stuff with them. I have even met MaryJane and visited her place in Moscow. She is a peach. MB

  6. Beautiful view and what a sweet, little stove.

  7. Such pretty scenery!

  8. Beautiful, peaceful, what a lovely spot you have.
    It is turning cool here in California. Next week we will have to close up our cabin in the woods for the winter. I'm afraid we are not as hearty as you folks are, we're only off the grid for part of the summer and when there is no more running water we are done until spring.

  9. Gorgeous shot of the first one and your home looks so comfy and inviting. Nice to see the view from your window.

  10. A lovely vantage point for a Lake view.

  11. Anonymous9:58 PM

    What a heart-warming scene you have captured! Very beautiful Indian-Summer indeed!



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy