Saturday, October 13, 2012

Asparagus Berries

It's the end of the season for my asparagus plants.  Last spring, they provided tasty spears. Over the summer, they grew into large ferns.  This replenishes the roots for the following season. If well cared for, an asparagus bed can last twenty years.

Some plants have bright red berries in the fall. That's because some are female and others male. The female plants produce the berries filled with asparagus seeds for another generation.
Because asparagus takes several years to reach maturity, it's not recommended to use seed to start your beds. One or two-year old bare roots can be purchased in the nursery for planting.  Even then, it's recommended not to harvest any of the shoots the first year. I tell you, it's hard to see those yummy spears and not pick them! -- Margy


  1. Wow! I learned something new this morning.

  2. I have learned something too, I have never seen asparagus berries! I am going up the allotment to inspect other people's beds!!! Xxx

  3. I once started an asparagus bed from seed. I planted them indoors in an egg carton and moved the teeny tiny plants outside.
    Unfortunately, I moved away before my plants had a chance to reach maturity (minimum 3 years) and the renters I had, after I moved, didn't take care of my dear little asparagus plantlets.
    I love this photo, Margy. I vaguely remember having heard of asparagus berries before, but I don't remember seeing them. I probably did when I was a child and asparagus grew wild where we lived in the Okanagan Valley. We kids used to pick wild asparagus and sell it to our mothers!

  4. I didn't know about the berries, informative post.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy