Sunday, September 05, 2010

Stories of Powell River

Last spring, Tourism Powell River brought together local writers for a special project, getting the word out about our wonderful town and the surrounding area.

From those submitted, twenty stories were selected to highlight some of the unique aspects of life, culture, activities, and fun in Powell River. They have now been posted at the Tourism Powell River website for your reading pleasure. Wayne and I are proud to announce that Powell River Books is responsible for four of those stories.

Here are links to our stories in pdf format:
The other stories include topics about history, Texada Island, kayaking, fishing, camping, and much more. Head on over the the Tourism website to read them all.

If you have any questions about Powell River, I'd be glad to answer them for you. Just leave a comment or send an e-mail through the link on my profile page. Hope you get to visit our "Pearl of the Sunshine Coast."-- Margy


  1. Oh, goody...some more of your's and Wayne's stories to read! Thank you for the links. I'll be heading over there after I leave here.

  2. Fabulous articles, I really enjoyed them. Powell River is a really great place!

  3. Marion, you are so sweet. I was so proud to have three of my stories accepted. They are my first paid writing endeavors.

    Thanks for the feedback Sue. I'm glad you like them. They were fun to write.



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy