Saturday, August 21, 2010

Skagit River by Sea Kayak: The Movie

For the last three days I've posted about our sea kayak adventure down the Skagit River in Washington State. Now I've condensed that three day trip into a three minute iMovie. Hopefully, it will help others interested in paddling this same route. I would have loved to see some footage of what it would be like before our departure.

What would a movie be without out takes? You just never know what that Crazy Canadian will say!

Hope you enjoyed the trip. Thanks for coming along.

If anyone has suggestions for lake, river or ocean kayak destinations in Washington, Oregon or British Columbia, I would love to hear them. We especially like trips with at least one night of camping. Rustic is fine, we travel self contained. -- Margy


  1. What a terrific trip and movie!! You guys are so creative, Margy, that movie looked professional! Even the out takes.

    There are rivers in Canada that are great for kayaking, especially in the Kootenays. I haven't tried any of the rivers here, and the fires would not allow it right now anyway, but you wouldn't believe the colours of some of them...bright green and very beautiful.

    Can't wait for your next's great to be an arm chair traveller!

  2. Have you ever heard of the Bowren Lake Canoe and Kayak circuit? If not it is within a provincial campsite just outside of Barkerville, B.C. Lot's of owls there and other wildlife. You have to book your trip as it is a world renown circuit and they like to keep the numbers under control for safety and environmental concerns. Beautiful. You also may want to look into the Elaho River in Squamish. Ask an expert on this one though as if the water is up it can be extremely dangerous.You can find more by contacting Tourism B.C.

  3. nice job! I would love to see something about the Powell River canoe trip through lakes I keep hearing about. Duane

  4. Just lovely. We live in such a beautiful country. We have traveled most of the US states, but Washington and Oregon are two on the list yet to see. Thank you for sharing your trip with us, Margy.

  5. Thanks for the tips Marion and Leigha - I'll check into those. Right now the Big Yellow Banana is vacationing in Bellingham WA. But we do plan to take her home probably next summer.

    Hi Duane - Because our kayak is so big we can't get through the portages. We did paddle a portion including Nanton and Horseshoe Lake last May. It was beautiful. You can actually reach all of the lakes by car. We've paddled Lois Lake up to the portage as well, and also went north up through Khartoum Lake. Lois and Khartoum used to be three lakes before the dam was installed in the early 1900s. Khartoum was knows then as Third Lake, and the road up there is still called Third Lake Main. There is a nice campground on Khartoum that can be reached by sturdy car (4X4 would be safer if you ask me) via logging roads. We've ridden by Windsor and Dodd Lakes on our quads, but haven't paddled them yet. - Margy

  6. I loved reading about your kayak trip! Hilarious too that people serenaded you with 'Oh, Canada!' I love it lol


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy