Monday, March 15, 2010

Cabin Cooking: Easy Minestrone Soup

Fall and winter are hot soup weather. Wayne usually BBQs our dinner, but if I have leftover steak or roast, making minestrone for supper is a great alternative.

3 cups water
2 packets or cubes of beef bullion
leftover steak or roast diced (or cooked hamburger)
1 carrot sliced
1 stalk celery sliced
1/2 green pepper course chopped
1/2 onion course chopped
1/2 cup diced tomatoes
1/2 can red kidney beans
1 can V-8 or tomato juice
1/2 cup macaroni
1 teaspoon fines herbs
salt and pepper to taste

Put water, bullion and meat in a pot and bring to a boil. Lower to simmer, add veggies and cook until they are almost ready. Add V-8, macaroni, herbs and seasoning. Simmer until macaroni is soft. The soup will thicken slightly as it cooks. In less than an hour you'll have a healthy homemade soup.

Serve in a bowl with grated Parmesan cheese as a garnish. I like to top crackers with margarine sprinkled with Lawry's lemon pepper and dill weed. Together they makes a hearty dinner. -- Margy


  1. Yu-ummy soup. I'll have to try that.

    There is lots of river rafting on the Sauk. I don't know about kayaking. I suppose. MB

  2. I love soup, and I must try this one. I hope by the time you read this your weather is better.
    We're heading into a week of nice temps after a few days of rain. Thankfully plenty of the snow had left us, and we didn't have to use the sump pump.
    Thanks Margy

  3. To me there is nothing better than home made soup....and it's so easy...that looks so good...I think I know what I am makng for dinner tomorrow night....

  4. Looks good! The 'kids' are coming for Easter...must plan food!

  5. I'd changed the beef for chicken (heresy?), but I bet it would be yummy just the same!

    Thanks for your lovely words at my posts, Margy, it's always sweet to "see" you there.

    Kisses from us.

    PS: I adored Avatar! I wish I have watched it on 3D, but I guess I wouldn't leave the cinema then, LOL

  6. Glad everyone enjoyed the recipe. It is so easy and a great way to use leftovers. Nydis, chicken would work fine. I often make a chicken version, but I like to add noodles instead of the macaroni. There's nothing like chicken noodle soup. - Margy

  7. Looks like a great recipe - we will be making it here soon. Thanks! It is especially nice that it doesn't make the huge quantity that some soup recipes do. Sometimes the leftovers do get a bit weary!

  8. Looks wonderful. Nothing like hot soup on a cold day.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy