Thursday, February 25, 2010

Float Cabin Living Featured at

I was looking at my blog's statistics on Sitemeter and was surprised to see a huge influx of readers. After a little research I discovered a very nice article about our float cabin on a website called dornob., primarily authored by Kurt Kohlstedt, is:
... where you will find out-of-the-ordinary designs that might not make it into your more traditional architectural, urban and industrial design publications – from over-the-top luxury to incredible design innovation.
I was very pleased with the coverage. I always enjoy sharing our story of float cabin living. From the pictures, content and quotes, it appears their source was Kent Griswold's Tiny House Blog. So, if you liked what you read at dornob, head on over to the Tiny House Blog for more.

Here are some quick links to post about float cabin living:
My husband Wayne has written two exciting books highlighting our off-the-grid lifestyle in Coastal BC. The first, Up the Lake, introduces you to cabin life. Farther Up the Lake includes more stories about our region and its opportunities. Both titles are available online through our website Thanks again to and to you for stopping by. - Margy


  1. Congratulations, Margy and Wayne! How amazing and wonderful is have your float cabin honoured in this way! And now I'm going over to dornob to exciting!

  2. Isn't that fun?! I love your posts and stories of life over there.

  3. I just read the article, how nice. They sure picked some of your best photos...makes me want to live at the cabin year round.

  4. thanks for coming to visit my blog! I saw your cabin on and had to come over and read more about it. Then, I found that your blog was full of good stuff to read, so I had to follow.

    As for your taxes in two countries. I shudder to think.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy