Friday, October 23, 2009

Water and Sky

In Coastal BC, the easiest ways to travel to remote locations is by water and sky. In some cases, both at once. Around here, float planes are used for work and pleasure.

On Powell Lake, most float planes support the logging industry. They take workers to sites up and down the lake. We often see them skimming low through First Narrows in front of our cabin.

At times, boats and float planes share the same space.

But after a short run, the plane can take to the sky.

And off to work, or play, or to discover the adventure of a lifetime. -- Margy


  1. so edenic! the noise from all these machines must be terrible!

  2. a good morning margy!
    enjoyed the post of the sea planes.
    have a wonderful weekend.

  3. I love these pics, makes you feel like your there, well done.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  4. Lovely pictures, and what a beautiful area. Hopefully someday I will get there.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Wonderful scnery and sky photos for SKywatch, thanks for sharing.

  6. Anonymous3:56 AM

    I love to watch plains take off and land. Wonderful photos.

  7. Hi Margy, I love the float planes on the lake. Your pictures are great.

  8. So wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed a visit to BC and hope to return someday. Thanks for sharing the photos!

  9. they are such a delight to watch

  10. Margy, this is such a great series of photos and from a different perspective. I got my private and commercial license years and years ago however after a near death experience as a young and inexperienced pilot I decided to stay closer to terra firma but I still dream of those times free of the earth's hold.
    Thanks for sharing

  11. What a great series of photos! I love float planes, but it doesn't seem like we see them much around here.

  12. I love your pictures. Very cool! I saw one in a movie once and I have always wanted to fly on one! : )

  13. Thank you to everyone for stopping by this week. Like Carolyn Wayne and I like to see things from up above, but also like Carolyn we are earth bound, at least here in Canada. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy