Sunday, November 09, 2008

Powell River Books Showcased on Tiny House Blog

Last month I introduced a great blog called The Tiny House Blog. The author is Kent Griswold, a fan of small structures.

The goal
of the tiny house blog is to discover the different options available for a person looking to down size into a tiny house or cabin.

After I posted a picture of our float cabin on the blog's forum, Kent ask me to write some feature articles. The first gave some basic information and pictures about our float cabin on Powell Lake in Coastal BC. The second was about some of the conveniences that make our cabin a comfortable home. So, head on over to the Tiny House Blog.

Since the blog's inception in May 2007, Kent has worked diligently towards his goal. Now, over a year later, there are lots of styles and information to choose from such as:
If you like to communicate with other people who like cabins and other small structures, stop by the Tiny House Forum. And thanks again Kent for all the great coverage for Powell River Books! -- Margy


  1. What an interesting blog! I found the tiny houses site (my old interest); I found how to keep potatoes in newspaper; how to make them in the owen! And the cat story. Great! So thank you for visiting without that I never found you.

  2. Without the Tiny House Blog, I never would have found this blog. That blog is very cool! It just goes to show you that we need very little room for basic living. We are outside all the time at our cabin during the summer, as I'm sure that you are. We only go in the house to sleep, wash dishes and use the bathroom. We always cook outside in the summer.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy