Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Latch Hook Cabin Rug

I like to work on crafts while I'm at the cabin. I just finished a latch hook rug using yarn. It's hard to find pre-cut rug yarn, but it is available online from Herrschners for Canadian and US customers. You can sometimes find canvas and latch hooks in craft stores.

There are kits available, but I like to create a design of my own. My most recent rug was of my favourite place on earth, my cabin. Here's how I made my latch hook yarn rug.
  1. I cut the canvas mesh to size with a little extra for a hem. Mesh comes in two sizes, 3.75 and 5 holes per inch. I use the 3.75. At four rows per inch, each yarn package will cover a section of about three by five inches.

  2. Be sure to order enough yarn because it comes in die lots. Each package contains 320 strands of machine-washable acrylic yarn that is pre-cut to 6cm (2-1/2") long.

  3. Using a black permanent marker, I drew my design on the canvas. Don't worry, it doesn't show through.

  4. I like to work my designs by section. That way I can see how it is developing.

  5. Within a section, for example the trees, I count squares to create the detail. That's easier than drawing the detail on the canvas mesh.

  6. As the design grew, I did go back and make some changes. For example, I didn't like the way the water looked, so I took it out and reworked it with a different colour.

  7. I trimmed the edges of the canvas to one inch, turned it back and hand stitched one-inch binding tape over the edges.
The rug is now in our Powell River condo, a visual reminder of my cabin. As you can see, it's also a big hit with our cat Stick Tail. He's like a chameleon, he picks the dark spots to curl up and snooze. If you are looking for a fun project, try latch hook rug with lots of yarn. -- Margy


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    That is so cool it looks just like your cabin.I bet it was a lot of fun to do.

  2. What a wonderful hobby! You must have so much patience!

  3. Your yarn was a natural for our y theme. Your float cabin looks like a great lifestyle up there in that paradise. Thanks for stopping by with your comments. We're missing PT and will be back next month.

  4. I think your hooked rug is beautiful! Your float cabin itself is also unique and special.

    At the moment Otto and I are worried about our own retreat in the northern California redwoods, as one of the raging wildfires was within a mile of our place as of this evening. We aren't there. We're here at home in Berkeley, and have no possibility of getting up north to see the situation.

    Enjoy your finished rug that will keep you reminded of the other place that you love!

  5. That is awesome! I did one once and I know how much work it is - and I didn't even design it myself like you did.

  6. Dear Margy, you invited me to visit your blog when you comented on my Y photo. It is such a mine of information and you pictures are so detailed. The Yarn story pictures are brill but the ones I liked the best so far are the pictures of the tree stumps. Thanks for pointing me to you wonderful blog.


  7. That's a fantastic rug, it sounds like a lot of hard work but very satisfying. It's one craft I haven't tried yet, but I have so many knitting and crochet projects ongoing that I think I should really try and finish at least some of them off before I take up a new craft!

  8. Ah, well done Margy, what a great rug! You are very clever! And thanks for visiting my Y for Yawn photo! Annie.

  9. Wow - that is beautiful!! Glad you took pics as you made it.

  10. Aaww... You can't imagine the huge smile this brought to my face! What a cool and sweet idea you had! It came out simply wonderful! Congratulations for this.
    Kisses from Nydia.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy