Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Absolute Best Place on Earth

Tourism BC had a campaign called "The Best Place on Earth" to encourage British Columbia residents to vacation at home. If BC is the best place on earth, Powell River is the "Absolute Best Place on Earth." This morning I was driving along Marine Avenue. Right there in front of me was a beautiful sight. The rising sun was shining off the calm waters of the Strait of Georgia. The sun tinged clouds were parting to reveal clear blue skies. It just doesn't get much better than that.

As I stood at the viewpoint taking in this glorious sight, I met a man who has lived here for sixty years. As it is in a town of this size, he was the father of someone Wayne and I know from up the lake and have business dealings with in town. We stood in the brisk morning air while he told of days gone by when he worked in the paper mill, and of his vision for the future of his community and country.

He talked about salmon fishing with his wife, raising his daughters and sons in a safe environment, his cabin up the lake, and his jobs at the mill. While some of his children have moved to other parts of BC, some are still here in Powell River. And when they have a reunion, where do they want to go? Up the lake of course.

At then at end of the day, this is what I saw from the front room window at our condo in town. Want to know more about Powell River? Read Coastal BC Stories by Wayne Lutz. Up the Lake will tell you why Powell Lake is the only place we want to be in all seasons. Follow along Up the Main to experience the pristine backcountry. Hike Up the Winter Trail and get ready for a vacation at the 2010 Winter Olympics. Cruise Up the Strait of Georgia to hidden coves and uncrowded anchorages. And come up to Powell River, the absolute best place on earth. -- Margy


  1. Hi Margy, thanks for the visit. Yes I have to agree we do live in a most incredible place. Your Powel River is peobably more so than where I am and I will have to read your books.

    I just finished another post so come on back. this time Eagles and such. MB

  2. Anonymous1:13 AM

    How comforting to live in a place you love! I can feel your enthusiasm, :)

  3. Your views are gorgeous! You're right, you are very lucky to live where you do!

  4. Thanks to everyone for stopping by "My World." See you all again next week. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy