Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Home to Powell River Airport

Today we returned to Powell River (CYPW) in 997. It was good to be flying again. Our departure out of Bellingham International (our US home base) took us over the San Juan Islands and across to Victoria. Our first destination was Campbell River Airport (CYBL) to clear customs. Wayne called ahead to make the arrangements for entry with CANPASS.
Powell River with Powell Lake in the background.

After only a few questions, we were issued a clearance number over the phone. It is a really efficient system and I would recommend it if you fly to Canada with any frequency.

Powell River Airport
We flew into Campbell River and waited until our designated arrival time. No Customs officials came to meet our flight, so we were free to continue on to Powell River. We chose to fly using a Flight Itinerary having notified a responsible person (Helen, the mother of our good friend John) in Powell River of our flight plan and intended arrival time.

Westview Flying Club.
Crossing the Strait of Georgia took 30 minutes and we were back in our parking spot at the Westview Flying Club.

Along the way we could see a few cruisers and sailboats enjoying a warm, calm day on the chuck. They are the lucky ones. Over the long Victoria Day weekend there'll be more boaters heading to the prime anchorages. Then there will be a short hiatus before the summer onslaught starting just before Canada Day. We hope to get a few cruises of our own in before that happens. -- Margy

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We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy